SDA Pastor Blessed by Pope's Promotion to Read Bible

The pope is promoting to read the Bible especially on Sundays. This SDA Pastor is feeling blessed about this idea.

SDA GC Medallion to Pope

Redflags on this medallion. Click here.

Adventist Health Ash Wednesday

Putting ashes on people's forehead on Ash Wednesday is an act of worshipping the Mother of Harlots

Adventist Health Valentines Day Greetings

Valentines Day celebration greetings from Adventist Health

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity,

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, January 22, 2022, at the Seventh-day Adventist Church with Catholic Priest Alfredo Gabrielli, Pastor Valerio Bernardi of the Church of Christ || Video

SDA Church Loves the NIV Catholic Bible

SDA Pastor uses NIV during his sermon

Flames on SDA's Logo & Catholic Ministry's Logo

The mother and daughter's identities publicly displayed. Who is the Word on Fire Ministry?

EGW Surrounded by Jesuits || Jesuit's Pope Gesture

Unknowingly, this picture shows how the SDA church at Sis White's days was already surrounded by the secret society of the Jesuits. How much more today?

Samuelle Bacchiocchi || Jesuit's Robe || Diploma || Trident Sign

Former Theology Professor and supposed Sabbath Day Scholar posed in Jesuit's Robe. What more do you need to know that he is a Jesuit posing as an SDA pastor? He earned his doctorate degree at Pontificia Universita Gregoriana, a well-knowned Jesuit school. How can an SDA pastor teach truth after being well-trained of the catholic dogmas? Also, notice the 3 Finger Salute (Trinity) which is a very common Catholic pagan sign.

SDA School Intramurals Beauty Pageant 2023

Fashioned after the world, an SDA school hosted a search for Mr & Ms Intramurals. Evidence of their sports attire (link) || Winners of the beauty pageant (link) || Video of the pageant || school diary video

SDA Church and the World

The world with the SDA Church

The 2 Popes

The Vatican's pope versus the SDA church's Pope

Father's Day Celebration

Northville SDA Youth Father's Day Special program

SDA Students Bow to Allah at Mosque

See the details in page 21 of the SDA Magazine